Thursday 14 May 2020

Why Duck Paradise is one of the best Take Away Food in Mornington

A duck on the platter! Isn’t that a great start especially for a meal? There are endless ways to prepare 
the duck and it’s not necessary that you have to spend time over an elaborate recipe. Try out something simple and equally luscious.

Duck of paradise

Ducks are relatively easier to make. All you need to do is proceed with a somewhat straightforward recipe with a hint of homemade spices. Pan seared, the duck of paradise is available at any food restaurant in Mornington. It’s a favourite among gourmands. Interestingly, the dish is critically acclaimed because of the spice rub. The grains of paradise with which the meat is coated are important. Citrusy and flavourful, the duck recipe reveals a rich hint of cloves used copiously.  

However as you arrange for the ingredients, make sure you have at least twice the amount of spices to get the recipe to work. You can use all the extra ingredients for preparing poultry or fish. Make sure you get an airtight bag to store all additional stuff.

Your hunt for paradise is here

Well! Almost! If you are not going to visit a restaurant or going to order a take away food in Mornington any time soon make sure you get your share of paradise by cooking it at home. Here is how to go about making the most flavourful duck recipe:


  • 2 meaty duck breasts
  • A tablespoon of “grain of paradise” roasted and ground
  • A tablespoon of coriander, roasted and ground
  • A tablespoon of kosher salt
  • A tablespoon of turbinado sugar
  • Lime zest
Take a bowl and mix the spices, salt and sugar along with lime zest. Blend well and keep them aside.
You will now need to put some extra effort to slice up the duck meat to surface the fat. Apply the rub on both sides of the meat and allow some more salt into it.

Taking the knife, slice the meat a little more, leaving a longer side to one end. Unfold the breast rub the meat as much as you can. Remember to not go overboard with rubbing to avoid over burning the meat. A good way of saving it from burns is to cover the inner layer of the meat with the rub.

Keep the duck breasts aside and work on the iron skillet. Heat it up on medium flame. Take the meat and pat it up using paper towels. As the skillet turns hot add the meat. Cover the skillet to avoid curling up of the skin.

Next, check the duck breasts by lifting a corner. If you find the skin hasn’t browned up yet leave it for another couple of minutes to get it well done.

The meat should ideally be cooked rare. After it’s done keep the meat aside and allow it to rest. Till then add some more spice rub to the duck meat.

Serve the duck of paradise with freshly cooked rice. You will simply love it. It simply leads us into believing that even if you can’t try it at home, it’s still the best option for takeaway.

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