Friday 7 August 2020

How to Deal with Take Away Food that you Order from Asian Food Restaurant

Since the rapid spread of novel coronavirus, the world is in an alarming state. Earlier, people used to takeaways food while coming back home from a job or on their way to the office. They used to rely on food outlets for their hunger pangs. Now, because of this pandemic situation, people's natural habits are getting obstructed.

However, with changing time and its customs, Asian food delivery outlets are changing their takeaway methods by ensuring least human interaction and sanitised packaged delivery.

Many of you have asked if the takeaway food is safe?

Yes, it is fine to order takeaway food at this time if you follow all the social distancing and sanitising guide. Asian food restaurants near Mornington are following a strict practice for their customer’s takeaway delivery. And also, in several studies, there is no evidence of transmission of coronavirus through food if you follow every guideline provided by state authority.

Now, you can order food from your favourite Asian restaurant with sanitised packaging.

Why extra care for the restaurant's takeaways food?

First thing you have to remember is that COVID 19 is not a food-borne disease. Any restaurant owners have to follow the instruction of the government for their food selling. This a spreading rumours that all Asian foods are not healthy to intake during coronavirus spreading. Luckily authority has given ‘A’ rate after the proof that there is nothing wrong with Asian food.

Well, there are some rules and techniques that you have to follow for takeaways food deliver. Lets’s check here:

  • Practice social distancing while taking the packages:

Are the Asian food restaurants in Mornington following social distancing protocol? Are they wearing gloves when they are giving you the ordered food? What are their payment methods?

To ensure social distancing, check these factors if the workers are properly following the measurements. It will be convenient for you if they use an online app payment method for money transactions. Thus, with no human interaction, you can have your food with safety and security.

  • Wash your hand and throw away the package after you bring the food home:

Wash your hands and replace the container with your home utensils. Now, throw all the packets and container given by the takeaway service. Thus, the chances of transmission of virus become least. For extra additional protection, use rubbing alcohol spray in the packaging after coming home.

  • Use different packages for family members:

If possible, order in bulk and eat from separate container food. You tend to share food, but it will be convenient if you and your quarantine partners eat from different containers.

You will be surprised to hear that through researches, it is now proved that Asian foods and spices possess some rare elements which are beneficial to fight with this airborne disease. Some enthusiast social media foods bloggers are using hashtag trending to promote the necessity of taking Asian foods to build immunity against coronavirus.

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