Monday 7 September 2020

How to keep take away food safe in this pandemic

In this time of pandemic when social distancing and sanitizing have become two key aspects of maintaining safety, several eateries and restaurants are offering take-out menus for those who are bored already of cooking meals every day. Also for those with fewer opportunities to cook, here is an excellent way to satiate their hunger without literally exposing themselves to the crowd. If you too are among such foodies who are eagerly waiting to catch up with some good take away food here is what you should know. Before you grab a grub make sure it’s safe for consuming both for you and your loved ones. Following are tips for maintaining safety of take-out meals: 

Cutting down on a trip 

One of the most effective ways to maintain safety of take away food is to first reduce the span of time between picking it up and consuming. In order to curtail chances of contamination experts suggest that you consume the meal soon after reaching home. Do not store it in the refrigerator. 

Restrict exposure 

The pandemic is urging us to stay indoors as much as possible to avoid contamination. By limiting interaction and exposure during pick up of food from a restaurant, chances of being affected by Covid 19 lowers to a great extent. Furthermore, foodies should choose foods carefully; opting for food which involves less handling considerably lowers chances of contamination. Certain items in the menu like salads require extensive washing, chopping and even assembling, increasing risks of contamination. 

Storing foods of varying temperature separately 

Make sure you give your best in maintaining temperature of foods. While hotter foods should be kept warm and colder food cold, remember to segregate the food as per their temperature. For example when you order hot fish fry along with some colder sides ask the Take Away Food corner In Mornington to prepare the parcel separately. Suppose you need travelling for around 30 minutes to reach home, make sure you are carrying insulated coolers for maintaining temperature of the colder food. These insulators are also useful in maintaining warmer temperatures. 

Maintaining personal hygiene 

Another effective way to steer clear of risks of contamination is to maintain personal hygiene. For example after you bring the take-out meal home, sanitize the packet and keep it aside at a designated area. Now rush to the washroom and clean your hands using soap. This will help prevent contamination of others as well as yourself. Wipe the kitchen utensils before you serve the food. For cleaning utensils you can use solutions which are harsh on contaminants and gentle on humans. Use washcloths or sponges. 

If there are any leftover of the take-out meal you got from a Thai Restaurant In Mornington, make sure you store them inside an airtight container followed by labelling it with a date. 

Dispose leftovers which get more than two days old. Throw them off immediately. Now this is exactly how you can maintain nutrition and safety of take away meals. 

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